Gain Efficiencies

Support Cost Savings Across the Supply Chain

Flexible packaging is a proven cost-saver in product distribution, enabling more product per pallet or truckload and reducing associated transport costs and GHG emissions. ValvPak® takes those savings to the next level by unlocking even more lightweighting and space saving benefits for brands in the pre-production transport of packaging as well as filled product.

ValvPak valves are just 2 millimeters thick, requiring significantly less material than rigid fitments or closures that take up more space, add weight to shipments, and pile onto post-consumer waste streams. ValvPak valves also eliminate the need for a straw, further reducing the material necessary to function – and the extra waste.

Additionally, ValvPak valves can better preserve products sensitive to oxygen degradation. Its automatic airtight reseal function keeps product from leaking out, contaminants from getting in, and air from compromising freshness, flavor, and overall integrity. Consumers can get the most from their products once they’ve been opened, maximizing value while further minimizing waste.